Mechanisms in anxiety acquisition and extinction: linking biology, psychology and therapy
explanation This symposium organised by I. Engelhard, D.C. Cath and D. Denys aims to bring together experimental, clinical and basic researchers, to discuss mechanisms in anxiety acquisition and extinction in anxiety disorders, and their association with a.o. glutamate. First, the role of glutamate in anxiety disorders is clarified. Next, the association with extinction learning and contextual fear will be discussed and finally, the clinical consequences are pointed out. Different anxiety disorders (post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder with agoraphobia) are targeted, with a special interest in the role of D-cycloserine. The application of D-cycloserine is an interesting example of translational research in psychiatry: its use is based on the knowledge of the fear-potentiating and extinctive role of glutamate in anxiety disorders. D-cycloserine is hypothesised to enhance memory and cognitive functioning by enhancing extinction learning and consolidation processes.
aim At the end of this symposium the role of glutamate in anxiety disorders will be clarified as well as the association with extinction learning and contextual fear. The audience is informed about the recent developments in post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder with agoraphobia.