Genetics of ADHD: update of recent developments
explanation Improvement of molecular genetic technology enables us to perform genomewide associations studies (gwas) with 500.000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) or more in thousands of patients and controls. This new technology also enables to study the effects of major rare variants, such as in copy number variations.
The aim is to present an update of recent findings in the genetics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) and to discuss potential implications for clinical practice.
This symposium will include four presentations on: the principles and outcome of a genomewide association study (gwas) in adhd, the role of genetic factors in understanding the important comordidity of adhd and autism spectrum disorders, studies into the neural function of candidate genes for adhd using brain imaging genetics tools, and the relevance of integrating the various findings by bio-informatics and genetic pathway analyses.
aim At the end of this symposium, the audience should be able to put recent findings and publications about the genetics of adhd into perspective, and have a basic understanding of the potential clinical implications of genetic findings.