Controversies in the treatment of ADHD
explanation The merits and demerits of the treatment of adhd with medication are strongly debated in both the media and professional journals and meetings. Since ADHD is often a chronic condition with a strong persistence over time, medication treatment typically is continued over longer periods of time. It is unclear however whether extended use of medication provides longterm benefits beyond control of the key symptoms, and how long medication treatment should continued. There is further growing concern about the long-term safety of ADHD medication.
The objective is to address these issues and provide a state-of-the-art overview of long-term efficacy and safety of ADHD medication in two key presentations that will lead to clinical recommendations. Then a number of experts from different areas will provide a brief and critical discussion. The symposium is concluded by a general discussion including all speakers and the audience.
aim At the end of this symposium, the audience should be able to make considerate and evidence-based decisions about extended use of ADHD medication and its monitoring.