Wie vervangt de psychiater'
'Who will replace the Psychiatrist?'
The specific role of the 'psychotherapist-with-a-medical-training' is discussed by a non-traditionally oriented psychiatrist. Many young dutch residents in psychiatry have uneasy feelings about their future position as a psychiatrist. Most of them are non-traditionalists, but still they think very positive about their medical training. The medical model can be modifield to their use without the need to wear a white coat or to carry a sthethoscope. The medical training gives the psychotherapist a certain lead over non-medically trained.
The position of the psychiatrist in a multidisciplinary team is discussed and highly valued, with some criticism about the over-evaluation of teamwork.
The present development in mental health: to let patients stay as long as possible in their natural environment, to have non-professionals occupy 'first-aid' positions, to further specialization in residential treatment, leads to stress upon non-residential settings. The psychiatrist would be the best in any community mental health center in first aid, but he has been 'pronioted' to an admmistrative job.
The training in psychiatry has to change; the consumer should be able to choose between a social psychiatrist, a biological psychiatrist, and a psychiƔiric Psychotherapist.