De plaats van de psychiatrische inrichting in het totaal van de geestelijke gezondheidszorg
(1) In elaborating the activities of the mental health care, the leading thougtht should always be how to give the utmost help to the patient.
(2) In order to achieve this, there is required:
coordination and cooperation between the different institutes in each region and regional planning of new provisions deemed necessary. This has to be followed by a clear description of the task of each institute involved.
a clear description of the task of each institute involved.
(3) The activity of the mental hospital has to be differentiated into (3)particular specific functions. (4) linking functions.
(4) The particular specific functions contain:
A) A clinical function, containing an optimum outfit for examination and treatment
B) A revalidating function, aiming at directing the patient to enable him to answer the requirements made by society
C) A nursing function, aiming at the humanisation of the care given to the chronically
(5) The !inking function aims at participating in the total mental health care
A) in the fore-care based on rendering service
B) in the after-care based partly on own responsibility, partly on rendering service.