Dementia Paralytica in de psychiatrische inrichting
(1) The establishment of the increase of the luetic infections during the last years obliges continuously to take into account neuroluetic complications.
(2) As far as the admission of patients in 'Dennenoord' can be considered representative for the frequency of psychiatrie disturbances in the northern area, from where patients come to this mental hospita!, it seems that the dementia paralytica is relative of little occur in this area.
(3) The considerations of Mller with regard to the longlasting incubationperiod of the dementia paralytica are fixed round the exotropia and endotropia tendencies of the spirochete pallida; his argumentation partly relies on exact, partly on hypothetical elements.
(4) The diagnostics of the dementia paralytica ought to be founded besides the psychopathological symptoms, also on the liquor test, in which the electrophoresis takes a very important place. To a constant decline of the gammaglobuline after treatment with penicillin can be attached a prognostic meaning. The malariatherapy must be considered as obsolete.
(5) The course of the dementia paralytica proves a certain parallellism between the clinical and electro-encephalographic findings. Zeh mainly has founded upon this his psychophysical correlations.
(6) The experience within the mental hospital leaves open the question to reversibility or irreversibility of symptoms of dementia; pointed is to the necessity of therapeutic treatment of the remained possibilities of the patient.