volledige naam | afkorting | gratis download |
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale | AIMS | ja |
ADHD vragenlijst | AVL | nee |
Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire | ACQ | ja |
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test | AUDIT | ja |
Anorectic Behaviour Observation Scale | ABOS | nee |
Antipsychotics and Sexual Functioning Questionnaire | ASFQ | ja |
Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule for DSM-IV | ADIS-C | nee |
Auditory Vocal Hallucination Rating Scale | AVHRS | ja |
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule | ADOS | nee |
Autisme Diagnostisch Interview- Revised | ADI-R | nee |
Autisme- en Verwante stoornissenschaal voor Zwakzinnigen - Revisie | AVZ-R | nee |
Autismeschaal - Revisie | AUTI-R | nee |
Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale | BARS | ja |
Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale | BR-MAS | ja |
Beck Depression Inventory-II | BDI-II | ja |
Body Mass Index | BMI | ja |
Body Sensation Questionnaire | BSQ | ja |
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale | BPRS | ja |
Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale-Ned. versie | BFCRS | ja |
Camberwell Assessment of Need / Camberwell Assessment of Need short appraisal | CAN / CANSAS | ja |
Cambridge Mental Disorders of the Elderly Examination revised | CAMDEX-R/N | nee |
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale | CES-D | ja |
Checklist Individuele Spankracht | CIS-20R | ja |
Child Behavior Checklist 1½-5 | CBCL 1½-5 | nee |
Child Behavior Checklist 1½-5 - Teachers Report Form | CBCL 1½-5 - TRF | nee |
Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 | CBCL 6-18 | nee |
Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 - Teachers Report Form | CBCL 6-18 - TRF | nee |
Children's Depression Inventory | CDI | nee |
Children's Somatization Inventory | CSI | ja |
Clinical Global Impression Scale | CGI | ja |
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol, revised | CIWA-AR | ja |
Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory | CMAI | ja |
Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences | CAPE | ja |
Composite International Diagnostic Interview 12 maanden | CIDI-12 | ja |
Composite International Diagnostic Interview - Lifetime | CIDI-L | ja |
Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History | CASH | nee |
Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale | CPRS-67 | ja |
Conners Teaching Rating Scale | CTRS | ja |
CORE | CORE | ja |
Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia | CSDD | ja |
Cut,Annoyed,Guilty,Eyeopener | CAGE | ja |
Delirium Observatie Screeningsschaal | DOS | ja |
Delirium Rating Scale revised | DRS-R-98 | ja |
Depressieherkenningsschaal | DHS | ja |
Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders | DISCO | nvt |
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children | DISC | nee |
Diagnostische Criteria voor Psychosomatische Research | DCPR | ja |
Diagnostische Criteria voor Psychosomatische Research Interview | DCPR-interview | ja |
Dissociation Questionnaire | DIS-Q | ja |
Dissociative Experience Scale | DES | ja |
Drug Attitude Inventory | DAI-10 | ja |
Eating Disorder Evaluation Scale | EDES | nee |
Eating Disorder Examination | EDE | ja |
Eating Disorder Examination questionnaire | EDE-Q | ja |
Eating Disorder Inventory | EDI-3 | nee |
European Addiction Severity Index | EuropASI | onbekend |
European Addiction Severity Index-Vlaamse versie | EuropASI-Vlaams | onbekend |
Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence | FTND | ja |
Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale | FNES | ja |
Functionele Remissie (over de laatste 6 maanden) | FR-instrument | ja |
GASS-C-NL-R2 - vragenlijst voor bijwerkingen van clozapine | GASS-C-NL-R2 | ja |
General Behaviour Inventory | GBI | |
General Health Questionnaire | GHQ | |
GGZ-thermometer | GGZ-thermometer | |
Global Assessment of Functioning | GAF | ja |
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression | HRSD | ja |
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales 65+ | HoNOS 65+: | ja |
Health of the Nations Outcome Scale | HoNOS | ja |
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale | HADS | ja |
Illness Attitude Scale | IAS | nvt |
Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive Decline in the Elderly - N | IQCODE | ja |
International Personality Diagnostic Examination | IPDE | nee |
International Personality Diagnostic Examination screener | VKP | nee |
INterventie STudie Eerste Lijn - screen | INSTEL - screen | ja |
Inventarisatielijst Omgaan met Anderen | IOA | nee |
Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Clinician | IDS-C | ja |
Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self Rating | IDS-SR | ja |
Kiddie Life Chart - prospectief | K-LCM-p | ja |
Kiddie Life Chart - retrospectief | K-LCM-r | ja |
Klinisch Interview voor PTSS | KIP | nee |
Kloktekentest | Kloktekentest | ja |
Lichamelijke Klachten Vragenlijst | LKV | ja |
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale | LSAS | ja |
Life Chart Method Clinician - prosp -1 maand | LCM-C-prosp-1 maand | ja |
Life Chart Method Clinician - prosp -3 jaar | LCM-C-prosp-3 jaar | ja |
Life Chart Method Clinician - retrosp -3 jaar | LCM-C-retrosp-3 jaar | ja |
Life Chart Method Self-Rating - prosp -1 maand | LCM-SR-prosp-1 maand | ja |
Life Chart Method Self-Rating - retrosp -3 jaar | LCM-SR-retrosp-3 jaar | ja |
Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side-Effect Rating Scale | LUNSERS | ja |
Maastricht Assessment of Coping Strategieën voor mensen met een psychotische stoornis | MACS-24 | ja |
Maastrichtse Eigen Gezondheids-Attitude en Hypochondrieschaal | MEGAH | ja |
Measurements in the Addictions for Triage and Evaluation | MATE | ja |
Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Plus | MINI-Plus | ja |
Mobility Inventory | MI | ja |
Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale | MADRS | ja |
Mood Disorders Questionnaire | MDQ | ja |
München Alcoholism Test | MALT | nvt |
Nederlandse vragenlijst voor eetgedrag | NVE | nee |
Nederlands Interview voor Diagnostiek van Autismespectrumstoornis bij volwassenen (NIDA) – Handleiding en Interview | NIDA | ja |
Dutch interview for diagnostic assessment Autism spectrum disorder in adults (NIDA) |
NIDA (Engelstalig) | ja |
Neurologische evaluatieschaal | NES-D | ja |
NeuroPsychiatric Inventory | NPI | ja |
Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale | OCDS | ja |
Outcome Questionnaire | OQ | nee |
Padua Inventory-Revised | PI-R | nvt |
Panic Disorder Severity Scale | PDSS | ja |
Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire | PDQ-R | ja |
Pijn Coping Cognitie Lijst | PCCL | onbekend |
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale | PANSS | nee |
Prodromal Questionnaire -16 to Screen for Ultra High Risk of Developing Psychosis in the General Help-Seeking Population. | PQ-16 | ja |
Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales | PSYRATS | onbekend |
Readiness to Change Questionnaire | RCQ-D | onbekend |
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Aged Children | K-SADS | onbekend |
Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry 2.1 | SCAN 2.1 | nee |
Schokverwerkingslijst | SVL | ja |
Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorder | SCARED | ja |
Semi Structured Interview for Children and Adolescents | SCICA | nee |
Social Interaction Anxiety Scale | SIAS | ja |
Social Phobia Scale | SPS | ja |
Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire - 20 | SDQ-20 | ja |
Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire - 5 | SDQ-5 | ja |
Spence Children’s Anxiety scale | SCAS | ja |
Standardised Mini-Mental State Examination | S-MMSE | ja |
St. Hans Rating Scale | SHRS | nvt |
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders | SCID-I | nee |
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders | SCID-II | nee |
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV - Dissociative Disorders | SCID-D | nvt |
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders - screener | SCID-II-persoonlijkheidsvragenlijst | nee |
Structured Interview for DSM Personality Disorders | SIDP-IV | nee |
Subjectieve Reactie op Antipsychotica vragenlijst | SRA | ja |
Subjective Well-being under Neuroleptics scale | SWN-20 | ja |
Symptom Checklist-90 | SCL-90 | nee |
Udvalg for Kliniske Undersogelse | UKU | ja |
Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale | UPDRS | ja |
Vragenlijst voor Gedragsproblemen bij Kinderen | VVGK | nee |
Vragenlijst voor impulsief-compulsieve stoornissen bij de ziekte van Parkinson | QUIP-Current-Full | ja |
Vragenlijst voor Inventarisatie van Sociaal Gedrag bij Kinderen | VISK | nee |
Vragenlijst voor Kenmerken van de Persoonlijkheid | VKP | nee |
Vragenlijst Voorlopers ADHD | VVA | nee |
Werkalliantievragenlijst – Verkorte Vorm | WAV-12 | ja |
Whitely Index | WI | ja |
World Health Organisation Quality of`Life - 100 | WHOQOL-100 | ja |
World Health Organization Quality of Life | WHOQoL | ja |
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale | Y-BOCS | ja |
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Body Dysmorphic Disorder | Y-BOCS-BDD | onbekend |
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale checklist hypochondrie | Y-BOCS-H | ja |
Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Child version | CY-BOCS | onbekend |
Yale Extrapyramidal Symptom Scale | YESS | onbekend |
Young Mania Rating Scale | YMRS | ja |
Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 | YAM-5 | ja |
Youth Self-Report 11-18 | YSR 11-18 | nee |
Zelf Inventarisatie Lijst | ZIL | nee |
Zung-Self-rating Depression Scale SDS | Zung-SDS | ja |