Coping and psychopathology: A review of theory and research
In this article recent theoretical developments concerning the concept of coping are discussed. Some important classifications of coping are presented. Most of the copingstrategies that are reported in the literature can be placed into the following five categories: problem-focused, emotion-focused, cognition-focused strategies, avoidance, and seeking social support.
Further, the empirical research on the relationship between coping and psychopathology is reviewed. Until now this relationship has been studied mainly for affective disorders. Some preliminary conclusions can be drawn. Problem-focused coping and affective regulation are correlated with less depression. Avoidance and emotional discharge are correlated with more depression. The relationship with depression is less clear for seeking social support and cognition-focused coping.
Research on coping in psychotic disorders is too limited to warrant comparable conclusions. Suggestions for future research are given, and the importance of these studies for the treatment of psychiatric patients is stressed.