Ervaringen met een partner-relatie-therapie 'on analytic lines' bij een anorexie patiënt een haar echtgenoot
J. Beeren: Partner-relationship therapy on analytic lines: a case study of an anorexia patient and her husband.
As a result of a clinical case study of a partner-relationship therapy 'on analytic Boes' of a patiënt suffering from anorexia nervosa, several aspects of the diagnostic and the therapeutic technique are discussed.
In this presentation, an attempt is made to illustrate how the concept of collusion, as taken from psychoanalytic interaction theory and developed by Witli a.o., can be used as the guiding principle in such psychotherapeutic interventions. Furthermore, collusive aspects, which can be used to strengthen individual intrapsychic defense mechanisms within the marital relationship are reviewed.
In connection with the presented treatment strategy, the author pleads, as ohter psychoanalytic authors such as Sours and Baba have done, for the reconsideration of the anorexia nervosa syndrome as a 'final common path' with diverse psychodynamic and genetic backgrounds.