Masters & Johnson's Therapy: (anti-) Psychotherapy?
The scientific research of 'Human Sexual Response' and the new sex therapies have to be considered as a new movement in the history of medicine and of psychotherapy. The 'conspiracy of silence' of classic medicine always excluded research of anatomy and physiology of sexual pleasure.
However, the psychoanalysis of Freud stressed a psychogenetic development of erogenicity. Classic psychotherapy — model: psychoanalysis with free association and no acting (out) — is a verbal psychotherapy.
The psychoanalytical psychotherapy was bom in a hysterical victorian century. The approaches in the new sex therapies of sexual disorders can be situated in a world of renaissance of hysterical characteristics. Our society lives with a historical dissatisfaction about (the stagnation of) verbal psychotherapy. Here, the Masters and Johnson's Therapy is a medical answer (physiological criteria) and a directive therapy.
It is suggested that the new sex therapy is kine-therapy for the stagnation of psychotherapy. However, some risks are indicated: in stead of psychotherapeutical liberation and autonomy of the ego ('Wo Es war, soll Ich kommen' — Freud) a contrary way of an anti-psychotherapy movement ('Wo Ich war, soli Es kommen') can be detected, perhaps as a new impasse.