Short report
Gewelddadig gedrag, agressie en de gewetensfunctie
T. Fris, W. op den Velde
From 98 patients of the neuropsychiatric ward of a naval hospital and 50 members of the crew of a submarine-destroyer the conductrolls and their own anamnestic informations were compared with the answers they had given to a questionnaire. The intention of the above mentioned questionnaire was to measure some personality factors on a psychoanalytic base.
A significant difference in mean superego-score was found between subjects with
a previous history of agressive behaviour and those from which no previous aggressive acts could be traced. In both groups the most important inhibiting
factors of violente seem to be the ego-ideal and the fear for possible unpleasant
Moreover, a positive relationship was found between organic brain damage and
violent behaviour.
Finally, a comparison was made between questionnaires filled in by subjects under the influence of alcoholic beverages with those completed by sober subjects. Under the influence of alcohol the questions connected with fear seem to loose their importante.