Extramurale aktiviteiten van psychiatrische inrichtingen en ziekenhuizen in hun betekenis voor de extramuraal werkende psychiater
Psychiatrie hospitals and psychiatric wards in general hospitals both have extramural activities. Endear ours to integrate these activities in a model for 'community psychiatry', highlight the problems caused by the situation that clinical psychiatry and social psychiatry act as separate fieldactivities.
This situation in Holland, sterns from the development in the past of af tercare organisations (Querido), apart from the (later) appearance of psychiatrists with out-patient clinics. Differences in financial organisations further complicate the matter.
Arguments are brought forward to promote a reunion between both types of fieldactivities in a multidisciplanary team in a given area. Continuity of care and easy accessibility are thus promoted. Although links with hospitals will exist, the provision is not primarily 'hospital-based' but localised in a region.