Short report
Open Report
B.O. Boersma, J. Bunt
Two male nurses try to explain a meeting called 'Open Report', a working method as applied in the admission ward for men, named 'Conolly', of the mental hospital 'Brinkgreven', Deventer, The Netherlands.
First a review is given of this way of treatment, which is based upon the communication theories (Palo Alto) and which includes mainly family therapy.
Next they describe the development of this meeting in the presentday-form and explain the procedure of the 'Open Report'. The importance of the openness, of the responsibility of the inmate for his own treatment, of the appointments fit in with the treatment, is made clear. They end in describing the aspects of their working method: a. Openness and honesty in the communication between the inmates and their therapists; b. Cooperation; c. Every inmate becomes more attention: greater interaction; d. A greater appeal is made to independente and to responsibility for one self; e. A mutual confidence in the possibilities of the inmate and of the therapist is growing.
They put forward that the 'Open Report' can be realised in each way of thinking, that this working method implies an intensive therapeutic part for the nurses. They hope the article will give a start to a working method, in which the admitted people can get the attention which they deserve.