Effectief geruststellen van patiënten met functionele klachten in het Algemeen Ziekenhuis
In many cases physicians do not find a clear cause for the physical complaints of their patients, even after more thorough examination in a general hospital. There is a high risk for these patients that they will get fixated to their complaints, which can become chronic. To prevent this it is necessary that the patient will be sufficiently reassured with respect of the meaning of his physical complaints. 'Effective reassuration' is operationally defined and a structured method of verbal therapy is described, which has been developed at the psychiatric practice of a general hospital. The purpose of this psychotherapeutic method is that patients give up their search for a somatic explanation of their physical complaints. Some mistakes are listed, which can be made in the process of reassuration, with the contrary effect. The possible active ingredients of the method are described as well as a few restrictions.